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President's 3 X 3 Argument

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

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;=k jeälsÍu ;=k
;=k fjkafka fldfyduo@

ckm;s wihs

Bfha uykqjr O¾urdc úoHd,fha mej;s W;aijhlg iyNd.SjQ ckm;s uyskao rdcmlaI fï ld,fha m%pdrh jk fjf<| oekaùula ksid mdi,a isiqka fkdu. hk nj fmkajd ÿka w;r tu oekaùu fï jk úg rEmjdysksfhka m%pdrh w;aysgqjd we;ehso jd¾;dfõ'

zuE;los ug fouõmsfhd weú,a, lsõj'''rEmjdysksfh oekaùula ;snqK''';=k jeälsÍu ;=k"  ;=khs lsh,d''' ljqo fï lshkafk rEmjdysksfh .=rejßhla'''
wïu lsõju kE kE mqf;a ;=k jeä lsÍu ;=k" ;=k fkfuhs lsh, Tjqka lshkj kE wr .=re;=ñh rEmjdysksfh lsõjfk lsh,'' Tkak n,kak j.lSu'''Z

fuu m%ldYfhka wk;=rej ,hs*afndahs Ieïmq m%pdrh lsÍu i|yd rEmjdyskS kd,sldjkays m%pdrh lrk i;s ;=klska m%;sM, fok ;=k jeälsÍu ;=k fjf<| oekaùfï m%pdrK w;aysgqjd we;s nj jd¾;d fjhs'
ckm;sjrhdf.a m%ldYfha ùäfhdaj n,kak

It is reported that at a ceremony where President Mahinda Rajapaksa,participated,at Dharmaraja College, Kandy, that a certain commercial advertisement in the TV channels has mislead school children .Such an advertisement which misleads children has been banned forthwith.

“Recently parents of school children had come and told him, that according to a TV commercial 3 multiplied by 3 the answer, is also 3, which has been told by a teacher. The mother had quipped, No, No that 3 multiplied by 3 the answer is not 3.The child had said no, the teacher said it. See this irresponsibility”

After this statement the ‘lifebuoy shampoo’ advertisement which really meant to give results in 3 weeks has been banned as a TV advertisement.
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